Hello, my name is Vitaly and I'm aged 32. AgroKar is my workplace. We sell agricultural machinery. We were founded in January 2009 following a study on the market for used agricultural equipment. It showed a deficiency of high-quality used units of world manufacturers. Our company is now operating its base of operations and its assembly site along with a warehouse and store with spare parts located in Kropivnitsky. You can find us here https://agrokar.com.ua/. Access to a tractor combine harvester, planter, or combine harvester that is suitable for farming is crucial to efficient results, a successful job, and good economic returns in agriculture. Quality and practical John Deer, Wil Rich, Case, DMI, Great Plains, Kinze, Kraus agricultural equipment will dramatically cut down on time spent harvesting and sowing processes, and enable you to efficiently manage your tasks for maximum profit. We have a large selection of machinery that could be used for virtually any agriculture-related activity. These include equipment to sow and till for making hay, fodder harvesting and storage equipment, and processing grain. Sprayers and equipment that apply fertilizers are only one of the many possibilities we have. This is not the complete selection of the equipment we offer to Ukrainian agriculturalists. We don't work through intermediaries and sell directly to our customers. Only in these circumstances can we warrant quality or guarantee service. When you purchase equipment directly from AgroKar you can be assured that you're buying authentic products. Specialized technological equipment is essential for any agrarian farm that cultivates and grows various kinds of crops. Our mission is to be an industry leader in high-quality and low-cost agriculture machinery. This will enable us to compete against all other companies. Even though we're a relatively young business We are a market leader. This is due to the high standard of our employees. Everyone is a professional who puts their knowledge and energy into providing high-quality sales. The foundation of our success is our knowledge about the needs of our local agricultural sector, as well as our years of experience in the development, adaptation, and modernization of any agricultural equipment.