Sayed Quraishi is a Medical Student in USA.He is a known social media personality in social media space. You can contact him by following these ways:-
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Karl Rohe Karl writes about Psychology. He has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. He currently works with the Veterans Administration Healthcare System as a TBI specialist. More Posts

Entry filed under: Healthnearly two weeks since Transportation Security Administration (TSA) security screeners flagged traveler Karl Rohe for secondary screening after discovering he was carrying dental floss and calcium supplements that aren't allowed in carry-on luggage at Orlando International Airport last week. I will be the first to admit that I didn't even know how I was going to explain my small carry-on "medical" bag to the TSA officers at Orlando International Airport. With all of the stories I've heard in recent years about TSA agents frequently searching passengers in line for the TSA screening point, I expected them to question my carry-on. Or perhaps send it through the x-ray.
