What is the best way to drink coffee?
Quickly enough to avoid getting cold while moving slowly enough to appreciate it. You should have additional cups of hot coffee ready for when you finish the first one. It should be in the early morning.
You should wear pyjamas, a bathrobe, some other similarly cosy attire, or nothing. You ought to be inside near a window with a nearby heat source if it's cold outside. You should be outside on a patio or balcony if it's warm. Ideally, it should be raining, but not in a way that interferes with your day's plans.
You must have some food, delicate pastries, freshly cooked eggs, and breakfast meats. If you want to add cream or half and a half to your coffee, you should have some on hand. Also, sugar There should be miles between you and your coffee and no artificial sweetener of any kind.
You ought to be alone or with someone you love. Maybe you're waiting for loved ones to get up and have coffee with you. That seems right.
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